The INVALSI 2021 results in Trentino return a decidedly interesting photograph. As far as participation is concerned, in the province the highest coverage rates were achieved, both for the sample and for the population, very quickly and it was one of the territories in which the tests were carried out with less difficulty, despite the inevitable problems. set by the health safety regulations. At a glance, the results of students from Trentino are not only among the best in Italy, but the provincial schools are able to better contain the negative effects of long periods of suspension of teaching in presence following the pandemic. More precisely, the province of Trento is the only Italian territory that, despite the general decline in results, manages to maintain the average results significantly above the national average, both compared to 2018 and compared to 2019. From the INVALSI 2021 tests, therefore, a Trentino school emerges capable of obtaining excellent results, even in upper secondary school, where typically, but especially in this pandemic phase, the difficulties of some categories of students are greater. Furthermore, beyond the good average results, what deserves to be highlighted is that the Trentino school shows excellent results not only in the upper or intermediate part of the performance levels, but also turns out to be among the most inclusive schools in the country. In fact, in Trentino there are among the lowest percentages in Italy of students with levels of competence not in line with the goals of the national / provincial guidelines. In addition, the province is the only territory in the country that in 2021 manages to clear the percentage of particularly fragile students (low achievers) at the end of upper secondary school. All this can only be a source of satisfaction and pride on the part of an Institute such as IPRASE, which has always been committed to supporting the quality and equity demands of the Trentino school through the promotion of courses and processes of expert training and research that must have the characteristics of operations and transformativeness, thus providing for an impact on school contexts in terms of improvement and innovation. These and other important observations and considerations are contained in this volume of RicercaAzione, both in the "Research" section, full of important contributions, and in the varied section "Experiences and reflections", in addition to the stimulating comments in the "Reviews" section.


Criterion-referenced approaches to primary school assessment
Gabriella Agrusti
pp. 25 - 38
PDF (Italiano)
Teachers’ perspectives on peer assessment: empirical research findings
Valentina Grion, Emilia Restiglian
pp. 39 - 56
PDF (Italiano)
The new Italian Individualized Education Programme, between lights and shadows
Luciano Pasqualotto, Angelo Lascioli
pp. 57 - 69
PDF (Italiano)
Civic and citizenship education in the province of Trento: support and monitoring action by IPRASE
Bruno Losito, Valeria Damiani, Tatiana Arrigoni, Simone Virdia
pp. 71 - 88
PDF (Italiano)
Civic and citizenship education issues in Italian L2 classes
Alessandro Borri
pp. 89 - 105
PDF (Italiano)
The development of non-cognitive skills in Trentino pupils
Giuseppe Folloni, Caterina Sturaro, Giorgio Vittadini
pp. 107 - 146
PDF (Italiano)
"Social and emotional learning" (SEL): critical issues and new challenges for the world of education and schooling
Rosi Bombieri
pp. 147 - 164
PDF (Italiano)
Complex situations recalling the game of hide-andseek: pupils hiding mistakes and deplorable actions
Giombattista Amenta
pp. 165 - 181
PDF (Italiano) PDF
Recounting educational innovation through the Narrative Inquiry Challenges for autonomy: a project to promote critical thinking
Roberta Silva, Giorgia Setti
pp. 183 - 196
PDF (Italiano)
Interpreting the equality symbol in primary and middle schools
Chiara Giberti, Andrea Maffia
pp. 199 - 211
PDF (Italiano)
Changes in teaching methods for Italian teachers during the lockdown. Perceptions of the effectiveness of using digital educational technology and collaboration between colleagues
Daniela Di Donato, Cristiana De Santis
pp. 213 - 233
PDF (Italiano)
Dual Focus: an innovative tool for the professional development of head teachers
Giorgio Ostinelli, Alberto Crescentini
pp. 235 - 258
PDF (Italiano)


Do European education systems guarantee fairness to young people? The latest Eurydice report
Review of the report "Equity in school education in Europe: Structures, policies and student performance", Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, European Commission, 2020
Marta Ballarini
pp. 295 - 300
PDF (Italiano)
A challenge to overcome fragmentation and recognize what unites
Review of the pedagogical guidelines for the "zerosei" Integrated System, Ministry of Education, 2021
Lara Vannini
pp. 301 - 302
PDF (Italiano)
Operational tools for drafting the new PEI
Review of the text by Angelo Lascioli and Luciano Pasqualotto (edited by), "Il Piano educativo individualizzato su base ICF. Strumenti e prospettive per la scuola". NUOVA EDIZIONE AGGIORNATA AI MODELLI NAZIONALI, Carocci, Rome, 2021
Marco Andreoli
pp. 303 - 307
PDF (Italiano)
Combining research and educational practice while maintaining an attentive, reflective, transformative gaze
Review of the text by Paolo Sorzio and Caterina Bembich, "La ricerca empirica in educazione. Prospettive per educatori socio-pedagogici e di nido", Carocci, Rome, 2020
Alessia Bevilacqua
pp. 309 - 310
PDF (Italiano)
Evaluation between research, training and teaching
Review of the text by Valentina Grion and Emilia Restiglian (edited by), "La valutazione fra pari nella scuola. Esperienze di sperimentazione del modello GRiFoVA con alunni e insegnanti", Erickson, Trento, 2020
Cristiano Corsini
pp. 311 - 313
PDF (Italiano)
Scenes on the subject of evaluation in the cinema
A review of filmic works with pedagogical-didactic reflections
Alberto Agosti, Ubaldo Rizzo
pp. 315 - 328
PDF (Italiano)