Returning to school in person was the imperative of this beginning of the school year. Despite vaccines for adults and, since December, also for the little ones, the classes have lived and, presumably, will experience new quarantines in the coming months and a daily life, in presence or at a distance, strongly conditioned by the health situation. The impact that the pandemic has had on the experience and school experience of students and teachers has been substantial. The many research published in 2020 brought it out. Certainly the Covid pandemic has aggravated the problems, but it would be too easy and dangerous an alibi to attribute responsibility to the health emergency. Too easy: because it is undeniable that everyday life has been turned upside down and the impact not only on school, but on people's entire lives, has been heavy, for many dramatic. Too dangerous: because, like a flash that blinds the sight, it risks reducing only to it the complexity of the causes of the school failures detected. But not only. The distancing practices introduced to protect physical health have "justified" an impoverishment of teaching, reduced in many cases to pure transmission of contents, and produced a weakening of the educational relationship, where physical distance has often also become personal and emotional distance. Covid is not the 'culprit', but has acted as a 'lens', amplifying and making the problems experienced by children and young people in their school experience even more evident. These and other fundamental reflections and observations are contained in this volume of RicercaAzione, in the "Research" section, full of important contributions, in the "Experiences and reflections" section, full of ideas and arguments, and in the "Reviews" section, containing various interesting reports.


Reimagining schools to make a difference, every day
Claudio Girelli e Maria Arici
pp. 10 - 26
PDF (Italiano) PDF


Learning in the era of the pandemic
Roberto Ricci
pp. 29 - 55
PDF (Italiano)
Middle schools: in search of a new mission
Andrea Gavosto, Barbara Romano
pp. 57 - 74
PDF (Italiano)
Evaluating the impact of “Ricerca-Formazione” on teachers’ professional development. Methodological issues and operational models
Gabriella Agrusti, Martin Dodman
pp. 75 - 84
PDF (Italiano)
Teacher professional development research in ECEC 0-6: initial analysis of two experiences
Maja Antonietti, Anna Bondioli, Roberta Cardarello, Donatella Savio
pp. 85 - 94
PDF (Italiano)
Evaluating the impact of two teacher professional development research programmes involving primary school teachers. An analysis of the projects
Davide Capperucci, Ilaria Salvadori, Michela Schenetti
pp. 95 - 102
PDF (Italiano)
The spin-offs of teacher professional development research on formative assessment practices in a middle school
Andrea Ciani, Elisa Guasconi, Cristiano Corsini
pp. 103 - 116
PDF (Italiano)
Over to the teachers. Investigating the impact of teacher professional development at high school level
Gabriella Agrusti, Valeria Damiani, Donatella Cesareni
pp. 117 - 127
PDF (Italiano)
Bilingualism indexes and Italian reading and writing skills. An investigation in Trentino’s primary schools
Patrizia Cordin, Maria Vender, Simone Virdia
pp. 145 - 167
PDF (Italiano)
Mindful coordination: coordinated and cognitive play in school age children
Valentina Biino
pp. 169 - 187
PDF (Italiano)
Tagore’s educational relationality: presence and distance in present-day pedagogy
Zoran Lapov
pp. 189 - 208
PDF (Italiano)


Combining philosophical reflection and empirical evidence to accompany teachers
Review of the text by Luigina Mortari and Marco Ubbiali (edited by), "Educating at school. Theories and practices for primary school", Pearson, Milan-Turin, 2021
Alessia Bevilacqua
pp. 245 - 246
PDF (Italiano)
Earth is our home. Let's keep it tight
Review of the text by Luca Fioroni, "Happy planet. Guida ai grandi temi dell’ambiente", Città Nuova, Rome, 2021
Piero Benvenuti
pp. 247 - 248
PDF (Italiano)
Creating readers and writers "for life"
Review of the text by Jenny Poletti Riz, "Scrittori si diventa. Metodi e percorsi operativi per un laboratorio di scrittura in classe", Erickson, Trento, 2017
Chiara Smadelli
pp. 249 - 250
PDF (Italiano)
To train citizens of the written culture
Review of the text by Lilia Andrea Teruggi, "Leggere e scrivere a scuola: dalla ricerca alla didattica", Carocci, Rome, 2019
Elisabetta Cipriani
pp. 251 - 252
PDF (Italiano)
In memory of Egle Becchi
Donatella Savio
pp. 253 - 254
PDF (Italiano)
LifeComp: a proposal for personal, social and learning-to-learn skills
Claudio Girelli
pp. 255 - 257
PDF (Italiano)
Volli, sempre volli, fortissimamente volli: tenacity and fidelity in educational action
Review of the film "Adam's Apples" (Anders Thomas Jensen, Denmark 2005)
Alberto Agosti
pp. 259 - 267
PDF (Italiano)