The history of RicercaAzione is relatively recent. Born in the early 2000s, it has undergone some substantial updates on the editorial side. This is also due to the particular legal structure of the reference Institute, IPRASE, which sees the presence of a periodically renewable Technical Scientific Committee.
Despite their specificities and differences, the various seasons that have marked the existence of RicercaAzione have all been particularly important and fruitful for the growth and consolidation of the magazine.
Today we are facing the start of a further new phase, more oriented in the direction of enhancing the work of our Institute and providing new stimuli for reflection to school and education professionals.
RicercaAzione is not only renewed from a graphic point of view. In addition to the 'Research' section, in which contributions are published with D.O.I. and follow the standards of scientific articles both in form and in the publication process, the 'Experiences and reflections' and 'Reviews' sections have been permanently introduced. The contributions placed in these sections are intended to offer further and diversified opportunities for reflection and professional enrichment.
Review of the text by Fabiano Lorandi and Maria Arici (edited by), “Ciascuno cresce solo se sognato. Le risposte di alcune scuole trentine alle situazioni di fragilità educativa", IPRASE, Trento, 2018
Review of the volumes by Mario Castoldi and Michela Chicco (edited by), "Imparare a leggere e a scrivere. Efficacia delle pratiche di insegnamento", IPRASE, Trento, 2019
Review of the text by Giorgio Mion (edited by), "Insegnare nella Scuola secondaria di secondo grado. La didattica disciplinare dell’Economia aziendale: una ricerca qualitativa", Morcelliana, Brescia, 2018