
The first part of the school year has begun with some school policy indications, that became the core of public debate through the journals. The editorial will investigate this discussion, as a starting point to reflect once again on the school universe. The purpose of a scientific journal is not arguing about political analysis, but to provide elements of pedagogical reflection on specific issues and discern their educational implications, so that the debate does not remain superficial.
These and other important observations and considerations are included in the present volume of RicercAzione, both in the “Research” section, rich in valuable contributions, and in the varied “Experiences and reflections” section, in addition to the interesting “Reviews” section.


Standardized measurement and formative assessment: a possible synergy
Roberto Ricci
pp. 31 - 44
PDF (Italiano)
Logogenia’s approach to comprehension of the narrative text in Primary School
Debora Musola
pp. 45 - 74
PDF (Italiano)
Defining imagination: an interdisciplinary approach for educational research
Alessandro Gelmi
pp. 75 - 89
PDF (Italiano)
Strategies to integrate children’s perspective into classroom activities. A participatory action research in two primary schools
Rachele Antonini, Nicola Nasi
pp. 91 - 111
PDF (Italiano)
Enhancing cooperative peer relationships: an educative research in a primary school
Federica Valbusa, Martina Ghio
pp. 113 - 133
PDF (Italiano)
Educational experiences and practices in and with the community: the example of a School Cooperative Association
Cinzia Zadra, Elisabetta Tomazzolli
pp. 135 - 153
PDF (Italiano)
Teachers’ perceptions of educational poverty. An explorative research in the secondary schools of Varese
Cristina Lisimberti, Katia
pp. 155 - 179
PDF (Italiano)
Integration of innovative teaching technologies and methodologies: the use of Hydroponic Greenhouse with dSerra for science teaching in italian schools
Lorenzo Guasti, Luca Bassani, Michele Sacco
pp. 181 - 204
PDF (Italiano)
The school as a place of democratic participation, sociability and active learning. Students’ voice on the student movement and school occupation in the 2021-2022 school year
Giulia Pastori, Valentina Pagani, Matteo Brognoli, Alessia Lambicchi
pp. 205 - 224
PDF (Italiano)


A new social contract to rethink education and reimagine our futures together
Rita Locatelli
pp. 261 - 262
PDF (Italiano)
Assessment from primary to secondary school
Four key texts to understand new evaluation practices
Martina Ghio
pp. 263 - 266
PDF (Italiano)
A look at the results of the international civic and citizenship education study (ICCS) 2022
Valeria Damiani
pp. 267 - 268
PDF (Italiano)
Turning challenges into opportunities
Review of Raymond R. Isola and Jim Cummins' text, "Trasformare la scuola. Leadership leggera e comunità educante", Maggioli Editore, 2023
Vanda Mainardi, Salvatore Lentini
pp. 269 - 272
PDF (Italiano)
“GreenComp”: a fundamental tool for teaching and learning sustainability
Roberto Strangis
pp. 273 -276
PDF (Italiano)