“Improvising to learn to feel ourselves unrepeatable”: “ourselves” is a personal pronoun that embodies at the same time the reflexivity addressed to each one (me?) and that addressed to the plural (we?). It is that “be-there” that recalls the being that is there and, at the same time, our co-originally being-with-others. An invitation (a provocation?) is therefore open to all and each, no one excluded. This contribution aims to offer a design-pedagogical reflection that focuses on the concept of being unrepeatable, its connection with improvisation, and the integrating background of equity and well-being, at school (in the world?). A teachers professional development research proposal - here presented in the design phase - based on an original perspective that focuses the attention on the meshwork, to enhance the unrepeatable interweaving that characterize our lives and which further underline our uniqueness and diversities.
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