The issue opens with an editorial entitled “Asking for more: the school of the 21st century”. Three requests are made in the Editorial. Pupils should be asked to learn more how to use what they have learned by developing their intelligence in different directions, i.e. intrapersonal (logical, reflective, creative and critical thinking) and interpersonal (such as cooperation, empathy, sharing and trust) skills and values. ethics as aspects that help to act in a multicultural, multi-religious and multilingual environment. Students should be educated to immerse themselves in the information and technological complexity of the century by creatively adapting to it. The second request is addressed to the school. Schools can lead students to a certain level of learning. Make sure that faculty and class groups are seen as human groups made up of cooperating people rather than antagonistic individuals. Pay attention to the assessment inside and outside the school, consider the wide availability of technological platforms as an additional resource to support learning, rather than as a threat to traditional teaching. The third request is focused on curriculum reforms, so that attention is paid not only to what is taught but also to learning outcomes and the impact this can have on people's lives.
