Special Issue su Debate
Language competence
Multilingual competence
Companion Volume
Letizia Cinganotto


The paper aims to illustrate the main potential of debate methodology as an instructional strategy for the development of language competence and multilingual skills, within the framework of the Council of Europe’s 2018 Key Competences and taking into account the “four modes of communication” defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, Companion Volume (CEFRCV, 2020): reception, production, interaction, mediation. Particular reference will be made to the strategic role of debate in the development of “oracy”, in the wide range of underlying dimensions, such as verbal, non-verbal and para-verbal language, socio-emotional, relational and cognitive. The paper also aims to highlight the added value of written debates in digital mode, through the use of webtools and multimedia platforms which have been particularly successful in the pandemic era, also helping foster online interaction, one of the new descriptors of the CEFRCV. Thus, the characteristics of debates in a foreign language and in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) will be described, also with reference to interdisciplinary and cross-curricular themes related to civic education.

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