Alessandro Borri, Giovanna Masiero, Maria Arici


The upper secondary school was the last educational institution, in order of time, to have to deal with immigrant students and with very diversified previous educational paths. Welcoming a foreign student to school means facing new complexities on a daily basis and opening up to collaboration with all the actors involved in the insertion process (parents, tutors, secretarial staff, teachers, external professionals, etc.). IPRASE has taken a further step, proposing a "Protocol", that is a set of documents, indications and materials, all freely available online at the internet address https://www.iprase.tn.it/scuola-equa, which go beyond the first reception and aim at the goal of academic and educational success for students not only newly arrived, but also of remote immigration or second generation who, being in a condition of vulnerability for various reasons, need special attention from the didactic point of view and linguistic.

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