Teacher Professional Development Research
Elena Pacetti - Università di Bologna
Alessandro Soriani - Università di Bologna
Elena Marcato - Università di Bologna


School-family communication - although it has repeatedly been the subject of study in educational research, especially in terms of the need to build solid school-family alliances (Capperucci et al., 2018; Caronia, 2012) - is a topic which transversally affects the school context in its entirety, especially in those school orders where the parents’ role is still that of the main mediator. The here-presented research, carried out in the Bologna’s Comprehensive School no. 9 between 2019 and 2022, aimed to investigate how communicative exchanges mediated by digital contexts are able to influence the relational dynamics between teachers and parents and between parents and other parents and to formulate some guidelines that could support the actors involved in building a more inclusive and effective school-family communication. The methodological framework identified to conduct the research was that of Teacher Professional Development Research (TPDR).

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