Support teacher
Special skills
Mirca Montanari - Università degli studi della Tuscia


Today more than ever teaching is a complex profession that, in the liquid (Bauman, 2020), globalised and digitalised society, requires a continuous and specific updating of the professional, cultural, relational and managerial profile. The teacher is required, in addition to didactic and didactic-disciplinary mastery, an adequate training (Bg thealdacci et al., 2020) capable of strengthening and integratin specific competences of the teaching profession, in particular pedagogical, planning, relational, evaluative, digital in an inclusive key. This contribution illustrates the results of a short questionnaire proposed to future support teachers at the University of Tuscia in the a.y. 2020/21, regarding the acquisition of entry competences and methodological-educational practices promoted by the initial training, in view of the enhancement of the profile of inclusive teacher (Cajola & Ciraci, 2018) active and responsible promoter of everyone’s participation, within a renewed, rethought and transformed school.

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