Emotional Self-efficacy
Andrea Baroncelli - Università degli studi di Perugia
Carolina Facci - Università degli studi di Firenze
Daniela Carpenzano - Università degli studi di Firenze
Enrica Ciucci - Università degli studi di Firenze


The present work explored the association between individual emotion-relational variables pertaining to the personal sphere and variables inherent to the professional emotion-relational dimension of 193 teachers (180 females; M professional experience = 18.90 years, DS = 10.58) from kindergarten, primary and middle school. Higher levels of personal emotional self-efficacy and higher levels of authenticity are associated with greater attention and care towards students’ emotional experiences, greater prosociality expressed towards colleagues, and greater vigor, dedication, and absorption towards one’s work. Furthermore, the individual personal dimension (and in particular personal emotional self-efficacy) plays a unique role over and above other variables more closely related to the professional field. These results lead to invest in teachers’ training that is attentive to their personal characteristics in addition to the professional ones. 

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