Immagine di copertina Volume 14.2
Students with disabilities
Individualized Education Plan
Certification of competencies
Caterina Scapin - IPRASE-Istituto provinciale per la ricerca educativa


This paper presents the development process of a specific digital tool, for school, healthcare and family use, to carry out a joint observation of the student with disabilities, based on the WHO ICF-CY Classification, and accordingly draw up the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The digital observation and personalization tool consists of a platform that enables the shared realization of four fundamental educational-training actions for the school inclusion of students with ascertained disabilities: Student Observation,
Planning, Implementation and PEI Validation. These actions have been articulated in the tool on the basis of three important scientific paradigms: the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), the bio-psycho-social model, and the competence construct. These paradigms have been deepened and innovated thanks to the fundamental contribution of the experts who formed the research team, thus arriving at a unique and absolutely new integrated model on the international scene.

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