Immagine di copertina Volume 14.2
Career guidance
Persons with disabilities
Comparative study
Individualized Education Plan
Individualized project
Angelo Lascioli - Università di Verona
Luciano Pasqualotto - Università di Verona
Ivan Traina - Università di Verona


This paper analyzes the topic of career guidance of persons with disability, referring to current situation in Italy and Ireland. The study shows the need to plan job career guidance starting from school, promoting the skills necessary to effectively implement the rights as envisaged by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In particular, the right to self-determination, social inclusion, and work. For this purpose, it is important to integrate specific projects focused on career guidance with a broader and more articulated definition of the IEP, in view of the life project and the transition to adult life.

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