Immagine di copertina Volume 14.2
Socio-emotional skills; Teacher education; Inclusion; Evaluation; Ethics.
Federica Valbusa - Università di Verona
Rosi Bombieri - Università di Verona
Ivan Traina - Università di Verona
Roberta Silva - Università di Verona
Alessia Bevilacqua - Università di Verona
Marco Ubbiali - Università di Verona


Being a teacher is a profession characterized by intense emotional aspects, as it is based on relations. This article focuses on teachers’ socio-emotional skills in order to highlight how these skills can positively impact on class relational climate, and on school children’s learning processes. Moreover, it sheds light on how such skills are necessary to successfully cope with the educational challenges within school context, such as inclusion, evaluation and ethical aspects related to the experience. If socio-emotional skills represent a fundamental wealth of skills for teachers, the academic and post-graduation training should not be separated from the promotion of such skills.

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